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Writer's picturesladeyladey


Thanks for tuning in to the inaugural post from Ring The Bell!

Like you, I have been fuming and fretting over the rapid deterioration of our American way of life, and the current vivid threat to our democracy. We have been relegated to stand by and watch as our standards of decency, empathy, kindness, gratitude and acceptance are pummeled by those who do not share those values. Remember January 6, when the beautiful grounds and pristine architecture of our country’s Capitol Building was violently defiled: windows punched and shattered, hate-filled threats crashing through the chambers, historical structures soaked with rich American history ripped from their stations and used as weapons, insurrectionists urinating and defecating in the halls where both Lincoln and RBG once laid in state, gunfire cacophony in the halls, running, fear and death.

What have we become? How quickly we have gotten here! Now, how do we stop it?

This blog will be an accounting of some of the events I believe are leading to the destruction of our democracy and light the flames under the hate and violence of fascist uprising. We are at the crossroads of losing our democracy. America, everyone, needs to wake up and change it before our real freedoms are lost!

I hope to make this blog a regular post – with a few but potent snapshots of events that are shaping our current state of division, hate, violence and distrust. Also, I hope to suggest some ways to combat these forces with positive action.

This is a space to support common values of peace, justice, a fight for equality, helping those in need, caring for the poor, feeding the hungry and treating the sick. Not hate. Not violence. Not division.

This blog is here for all of us to Ring The Bell!

To start, here are just a few things that I’ve been thinking about:

^ Remember when Kyle Rittenhouse drove across state lines to kill three people who were attending a protest against the unlawful murder of black people, and then Trump celebrated him with an invite to Mar-A-Lago?

We won’t forget this. We must CHANGE it now! We don’t want leaders who celebrate killings and vigilantes.

^ Remember when we thought Richard Nixon was the most corrupt politician in US history? The link between Nixon and Trump? Trump's close confidant Roger Stone.

We won’t forget this. We must CHANGE it now! We don’t want leaders who support corruption and lies.

^ Remember when Melania met with immigrant children at the border wearing a jacket that read “I really don’t care, do you?” on the back?

We won’t forget this. We must CHANGE it now! We don’t want leaders who don’t care and aren’t afraid to publicly announce it, no matter what it was she didn’t care about.

^ Remember when Ivanka was very quickly awarded multiple Chinese patents in a short period of time once Trump became president, including patents for voting machines?

We won’t forget this. We must CHANGE it now! We don’t want leaders who try to rig the system by currying favor with Communist states for personal gain and buy patents for voting machines.

^ Remember when Jared Kushner got a 2 BILLION dollar gift from Mohammed bin Salman, the man who the US Senate unanimously has said was responsible for the gruesome murder and audio-taped dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi?

We won’t forget this. We must CHANGE it now! We don’t want leaders who take money from killers for their own personal gain.

We must elect leaders who are not influenced by personal financial incentive, bought by dark monies and do the bidding of those who dislike America.

Most Americans do not want these kinds of leaders.

Our best recourse is to vote! We must ensure that the majority of Americans have their voices heard and values reflected in our elected leaders.

So, the message for today and on most days will be: Get active! Get involved! Get out to VOTE!

We must end restrictive voting laws that favor the few over the most. We must end money in politics that favors corporate donor wishes and not the wishes of the people. We must end gerrymandering that redraws districts that favors corrupted officials.

Get out there and Ring The Bell!

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